This is a concept I picked up from JS Strength Performance and when applied correctly it can make a massive difference to your training.

Successive Induction is basically focussing on contracting the ANTAGONIST muscle group during the ECCENTRIC portion of a particular movement to allow for a stronger contraction of the AGONIST muscle group during the CONCENTRIC portion of the movement.


How this works:

1. By focusing and contracting the antagonist muscle during the eccentric phase of the movement it tells the agonist muscle to “turn off’ the inhibiting mechanisms which stop the muscle contracting maximally i.e. the gogli tendon organ. However because the agonist muscle is still under load (i.e. still holding onto the weight) it cannot ‘turn off’ which creates more and more tension through the agonist muscle.

2. The other concept behind this technique is the process of irradiation, which is basically because one muscle contracts surrounding muscle will also contract. So by engaging more muscles more tension will be created, this is why some people use the cue ‘rip the bar’ or ’white knuckle the bar’ when lifting.

This may seem confusing but a few examples would be:

– Squeezing the tricep during a bicep curl.

– Think of pulling yourself down withyour hip flexors in the descent of a squat.

– Thinking of doing a Row and engaging your back muscles as you lower the bar down during the Bench Press (shown below)

This is an awesome way to GROW. Remember creating muscular tension plays a major role in muscle hypertrophy and this is exactly what the law of successive induction is, creating more muscular tension.

This is also amazing way to improve your strength. Putting more emphasis on the antagonist muscle will force the concentric muscles to contract harder, making it easier to lift the weight back up.

You can apply this to pretty much every exercise. Let me know how you go ?
